On the eve of EURO 2024, Football Supporters Europe (FSE) is finalising preparations for its most significant involvement in any national team tournament to date. This comes after over two years of meaningful engagement with UEFA, EURO 2024 GmbH, the DFB, German public authorities, and our Fans’ Embassies network.   

Following on from two Fan Forums (July 2022, January 2024), over 40 Fans’ Embassies preparatory visits, and involvement in the consultation process that developed the EURO 2024 Human Rights Declaration and the tournament’s grievance mechanism, we’re now ready to go with the main event. 

Fans’ Embassies 

Fans’ Embassies have always been a core pillar of FSE’s work during EURO tournaments and this summer is no exception. Working alongside the ‘Fans Welcome’ project organised by our partners Koordinationsstelle Fanprojekte (KOS), FSE will be coordinating with and supporting 15 Fans’ Embassies to assist fans on the ground in Germany, including the first-ever tournament for the Georgian Fans’ Embassy.  

EURO 2024 Fans Survey   

FSE will conduct a survey of supporters going to matches to hear about their experiences. Covering a variety of elements including experiences in host cities, facilities, what happens inside the stadium, and security, the survey is available here and will be shared regularly on social media. 

Fan.Tastic Finals Exhibition 

Following the success of Fan.Tastic Females, FSE announced its sequel, titled Fan.Tastic Finals, which will broaden the focus of the exhibition to include women who support their national teams. Thanks to Stiftung Fußball & Kultur EURO 2024 funding, we have added 15 new video portraits to the exhibition which will tour the 10 host cities of EURO 2024 as we bring the Fan.Tastic Females tour to a close.  

SAFER Erasmus+-Funded Project 

FSE’s SAFER project will see the implementation of a rapid response mechanism in stadia during the tournament. Through a service provided by Saferspaces, supporters who feel harassed, discriminated against, threatened or otherwise unsafe will see visuals in every stadium and be able to contact a team of professionals who can provide immediate on-site assistance and support. 

Tournament Human Rights Board 

Following a meaningful consultation process which involved FSE, Human Rights organisations, and the German stakeholder initiative, UEFA and the DFB have made a significant commitment to uphold Human Rights during the tournament. FSE will be taking part in UEFA’s Human Rights board for EURO 2024 alongside the Sport & Rights Alliance and Centre for Sport & Human Rights. The role of the board is to advise UEFA and serve as a central point for information on all matters relevant to human rights.  

Grievance mechanism 

One of the key roles of the Human Rights Board will be to advise on the implementation of the grievance mechanism that was launched on 1st June 2024. The mechanism is operated independently by German law firm Rettenmaier and reports can be filed via a secure online form available in every language of the participating nations.  

FSE was involved in the development of the mechanism, which was presented to Fans’ Embassy representatives during the January 2024 edition of the EURO 2024 Fan Forum. 

Reports are handled confidentially by trained trauma specialists, and individuals can also choose to remain anonymous. FSE encourages anyone affected by violations of human rights at any time during the tournament to report the matter through the form, which is also accessible via the event companion on the UEFA EURO 2024 app

Match Observations 

FSE will observe games throughout the tournament, following the structure used for UEFA Club Competition finals observations. The aim is to ensure supporters receive appropriate standards of safety, security, and service while also identifying good practices for future tournaments. On matchdays, FSE and UEFA representatives will monitor elements, including Fan Meeting Points, stadium access, and services within the stadium. 

Supporter Liaison 

Many of the competing nations will have Supporter Liaison Officers (SLOs) present and active during the tournament. FSE will provide pre-tournament, remote, and some on-site support to the National Team SLOs involved, as well as connecting them with their counterparts from other nations.    

EURO 2024 Fan Dialogue Policy 

EURO 2024 adopted the most ambitious fan dialogue policy to date for an international tournament. FSE and Fans’ Embassy representatives will work in close cooperation with dedicated points of contact at EURO 2024 GmbH, the host cities, and the German public authorities throughout the next four weeks as part of the tournament’s Fan Dialogue policy.  

Keep in touch! 

FSE will be communicating about our activities throughout the tournament and seeking to gather regular feedback from all match-going fans, so ensure to keep an eye on our social media channels for the latest updates and survey link. See you in Germany!  

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